Buki France Mini Lab Electronics

Rating :

65 ₪

Quantity :


Assemble the no-solder components and discover 6 activities to make your own alarm.

Includes real components (light sensor, buzzer, transistors, etc.) and instructions illustrated in color for the activities.


  • 1 circuit board unit
  • 1 perforated cardboard image
  • 7 red wires
  • 7 white wires
  • 20 springs
  • 1 battery compartment
  • 1 buzzer
  • 1 light-emitting diode (LED)
  • 1 NPN transistor
  • 1 PNP transistor
  • 1 capacitor
  • 1 light sensor and 1 support
  • 2 resistors
  • Instructions sheet

AGE8 years +